Empowering the Music Community with Innovative Solutions
Who Benefits From SongHub

Songwriters and Musicians
Sourcing the right collaborator for your music project can be challenging. SongHub offers songwriters and musicians a turnkey solution for connecting with collaborators, managing project files and splits, as well as a streamlined song registration process with all of the necessary collection societies, ensuring for proper compensation generated from the exploitation and performance of their music.

Music Publishers
Publishers often don't have the resources necessary to connect their writers and manage registration issues. SongHub is designed to facilitate collaboration between songwriters, and streamline the song registration process. Imagine pop-up songwriting camps 24/7 with zero additional costs and global participation. With SongHub's unique Token ID process, chain-of-title issues can finally be eliminated.

Performing Rights Organizations / Collective Management Organizations
PROs and CMOs often have song registration issues. Whether it's a simple typo, or confusing terminology, data errors ultimately lead to payment issues. With a more simplified set of data field entries, SongHub requires users to input their affiliate information only once, and have it populate every time they collaborate on a new song. Percentage splits require full approval from each collaborator prior to song submissions, safeguarding from any future claims or disputes.

Music Education Programs
Music schools lack a multi-disciplinary collaborative platform that makes it easy for music students to work together, and with film and TV and gaming students, who often need music for their projects. Educators can also use SongHub as an example of real-world song registration, where affiliate and ownership information is carried with each song, and writer splits are mutually approved before songs are submitted. SongHub also makes it easy to stay in touch with alumni, ensuring that valuable information and guidance are easily accessible to the student community.

AI Music Platforms
AI generated music is growing exponentially. With millions of new songs being created daily, there is an immense need for proper rights holder affiliation and registration processes. SongHub makes it easy for music AI platforms to register, track and monetize each song created through existing global collection mechanisms.